Sala Bai Restaurant School 155 Phum Tapoul, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Listing Type : Restaurants
Location : Siem Reap
Cuisines : European
Phone : +855 63 963 329
Opening Hours
  • Contact venue's owner for opening hours

Sala Baï Hotel & Restaurant School was founded in 2002 by the French NGO Agir pour le Cambodge. The school entirely and exclusively meant for young Cambodians coming from underprivileged families. In 2013, more than 1000 young Cambodians, with a 70% priority to girls, have been trained. They have all found a job within 2 months after their one-year training. A few years later, their average salary goes from $250 to $350 which enables them to reach the emerging Cambodian middle-class. The vocational training taught at Sala Baï is definitely the fastest and most efficient way of fighting poverty and human trafficking. But without your support, nothing would be possible. By coming to our training restaurant, you already make a great difference, with the pleasure to enjoy high-quality food.

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